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1/28/2023: It Continues

Mood: Neutral

Listening to: NILFRUITS - FrankenX

I had a really weird dream last night about, like, death knights and getting caught conspiring against their creepy death kingdom. My co-conspirators were all executed, but I escaped by implying my guard looked like he was related to his crush, and he got so annoyed he left. At one point I had to hide in a cheap motel and pretend I was a jilted lover trying to decide whether I wanted to go back to my unfaithful partner or move on with my life, and one of the knights that had wanted to execute me gave me dating advice. That was... weird. I've seen a few sites on here do dream journals, so if I keep having weird ones, maybe I'll start a dream journal, too. Could be fun.

I'm still trying to decide what I want to do with my site. I have a rough draft page for one of my original stories, but I don't know if I like it (the story, not the page) enough to publish it. But, eh, past me would've posted it. I might put some art on the page and publish it. We'll see!

Also, I tried adding those navigation buttons to the top of my posts, but I could not for the life of me get it to center via the CSS sheet, so I just hard-coded the text alignment in the HTML. It's bad.